
Affordable & Easy Uptime Monitoring for Every Business

A customer complaining that they can't put in an order or can't reach you by e-mail, it's something every business has to deal with. At EyeMonit we feel that every business, small or big, should have something in place to make sure they are made aware of a potential issue before your customers.


Having an online presence as a business is a no-brainer. Unfortunately most businesses are not aware of the amount of potential issues that can suddenly arise which can lead to loss in revenue pretty quick.

For every website or webshop there are multiple systems and providers that have to work in full sync to make sure your website is available to every potential customers.

In my more than 20 years experience as a hosting provider & consultant, I have supported a lot of businesses after suffering from critical outages on their webshops or websites.

Almost every time their CEO, CTO or manager first had to find out which suppliers and providers are being used, simply because they didn't know. In most cases the company or employee responsible for maintaining their online presence was unreachable as well, especially as these outages almost every time occurs outside of office hours.

After getting their webshop or website back in the air, the reason why the outage occurred showed in almost all cases that it was something that could be prevented.

Prevention & Monitoring

Again, there are many causes for your webshop or website getting offline, but in most cases monitoring the right things could have prevented the downtime.

Having something in place that keeps an eye on everything that is responsible for customers reaching your website and placing orders is the first step in preventing downtime.

EyeMonit was born

All these years we questioned why almost every business had nothing in place to make sure they were aware immediately of a (potential) issue. Besides unfamiliar with monitoring software at all, the high costs involved and the lack of technical knowledge were one of the most heard reasons for not being aware earlier of these issues.

That is why we started a service that offers fair & affordable monitoring for every business that is easy to use.

EyeMonit offers the following main features:

  • Uptime monitoring - Simply know first when your website is unreachable
  • Domain & SSL Certificate Monitoring - Get a reminder to renew your SSL security certificate or domain if someone forgets
  • Performance Monitoring - View any potential bottlenecks for example at peak hours that is preventing large amounts of visitors in the future
  • Status Pages - Let your end-users (publicly) or your staff (privately) know what is going on

Currently EyeMonit is in a beta state, which means that we are adding lots of new functionality within the next couple of weeks and months. But also that there can be bugs when using our system.

EyeMonit soon will offer the following features as well:

  • DNS monitoring - Be aware of any technical changes to your business domain
  • Broken Page Detection - Get notified on any issue on your website, like a broken link or error page
  • E-mail Monitoring - Tests your full flow of e-mails, to be sure that no e-mail gets lots with receiving or sending
  • HeartBeat/CRON - Know directly when a backup or critical process fails to run
  • Real User Monitoring - Shows insights in how visitors view and use your website

With EyeMonit we feel that we offer a simple solution for every business to be aware of any issues before you get complaints from your customers or employees so you can be proactive in informing them. That is why you only have to pay for what you use, with a minimum of 10 EUR/USD per month, so how big or small your business currently is, we have you covered.


With our platform there is no reason as a business owner or manager to be unaware of issues with your webshop or website.

You can try it for free for 30 days (no credit card required).


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